Categories: TV Anime Film Studio Ghibli
Film4 can be viewed on:
Freeview: Channel 15
Free Sat: Channel 300
Sky: Channel 315
Virgin: Channel 428
Virgin HD: Channel 429
Also don't forget Film4 +1, to watch it an hour later.
Film4+1 can be viewed on:
Freeview: Channel 45
Free Sat: Channel 301
Sky: Channel 316
Virgin: Channel 430
Animation. Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki directs this fictionalised biopic of Japanese aircraft designer Jiro Horikoshi, who created the iconic Mitsubishi Zero WWII fighter plane.
You can read our review on Otaku News.
You can also buy the film on DVD, Blu-ray and DVD or Collector's Edition Blu-ray and DVD