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Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) (DVD) UK Release Details

Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) (DVD) UK
Release Date: 19 November 2012
RRP: £24.99 (GBP)
Rating: 15
Company: Manga Entertainment UK
Country: United Kingdom
Posted By: Joe
Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2) Sekirei Pure Engagement (Season 2)

Categories: Release Anime DVD Retail


A clandestine organisation known as the MBI has issued an edict that threatens to end the lives of Minato and his luscious companions once and for all! The Cutthroat organisation's Sekirei Plan will force all busty brawlers and their masters to engage in a flesh-baring fight to the finish. Only one amazing pair will be left standing when this curvaceous cavalcade of carnage has to a conclusion. Does Minato have what it takes to survive the bombastic barrage if breast-jiggling blows coming this way?

Special Features:

Episode 5 commentary

Episod 10 commentary

OVA: "Two Gossip Topics"

Textless Song