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Murciélago Volume 23 (Manga) US Release Details

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Release Date: Tuesday, February 20, 2024
RRP: $13.00 (USD)
Rating: 18+ M (Mature)
Company: Yen Press
Country: United States
Posted By: Joe

Categories: Release Manga Retail

Celine Argente, an internationally wanted perfumer adept in the art of killing with poisons, has entered Japan along with other wanted criminals, and the FBI is in hot pursuit! Meanwhile, Kuroko, who's conducting her own investigation into the perfumer's motives, is suddenly attacked by a massive man known as Hightower, who appears to be one of Celine's accomplices... To make matters worse, an effort to concoct a medicine to revive those killed by the perfumer backfires, resulting in mass deaths at a scramble crossing. As the death toll rises, the need for a new plan to deal with this formidable threat becomes all too clear...
